Calculation of Solar Irradiances. I. Synthesis of the Solar Spectrum

Variations in the total radiative output of the Sun as well as the detailed spectral irradiance are of interest to terrestrial and solar-stellar atmosphere studies. Recent observations provide measurements of spectral irradiance variations at wavelengths in the range 1100-8650 Å with improved accuracy, and correlative studies give procedures for estimating the spectral irradiance changes from solar activity records using indicators such as those derived from Ca II K and Mg II indices. Here we describe our approach to physical modeling of irradiance variations using seven semiempirical models to represent sunspots, plage, network, and quiet atmosphere. This paper gives methods and details, and some preliminary results of our synthesis of the variations of the entire irradiance spectrum. Our calculation uses object-oriented programming techniques that are very efficient and flexible. We compute at high spectral resolution the intensity as a function of wavelength and position on the disk for each of the structure types corresponding to our models. These calculations include three different approximations for the line source function: one suited for the very strong resonance lines where partial redistribution (PRD) is important, another for the most important nonresonance lines, and another approximation for the many narrow lines that are provided in Kurucz's listings. The image analysis and calculations of the irradiance variation as a function of time will be described in a later paper. This work provides an understanding of the sources of variability arising from solar-activity surface structures. We compute the Lyα irradiance to within 3% of the observed values. The difference between our computations and the Neckel & Labs data is 3% or less in the near-IR wavelengths at 8650 Å, and less than 1% in the red at 6080 Å. Near 4100 Å we overestimate the irradiance by 9%-19% because of opacity sources missing in our calculations. We also compute a solar cycle variability of 49% in the Lyα irradiance, which is very close to observed values. At wavelengths between 4100 Å and 1.6 μm, we obtain spectral irradiance variations ranging from -0.06% to 0.46% in the visible—the higher values correspond to the presence of strong lines. The variability in the IR between 1.3 and 2.2 μm is ~-0.15%.

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