Context. Recent results in astrochemistry have revealed that some molecules, such as interstellar complex organic species and deuterated species, can serve as valuable tools in the investigation of star-forming regions. Sulphuretted species can also be used to follow the chemical evolution of the early stages of a Sun-like star formation process. Aims. The goal is to obtain a census of S-bearing species using interferometric images towards SVS13-A, a Class I object associated with a hot corino that is rich in interstellar complex organic molecules. Methods. To this end, we used the NGC 1333 SVS13-A data at 3 mm and 1.4 mm obtained with the IRAM-NOEMA interferometer in the framework of the SOLIS (Seeds of Life in Space) Large Program. The line emission of S-bearing species was imaged and analyzed using local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and large velocity gradient (LVG) approaches. Results. We imaged the spatial distribution on ≤300 au scale of the line emission of 32SO, 34SO, C32S, C34S, C33S, OCS, H2C32S, H2C34S, and NS. The low excitation (9 K) 32SO line traces: (i) the low-velocity SVS13-A outflow and (ii) the fast (up to 100 km s−1 away from the systemic velocity) collimated jet driven by the nearby SVS13-B Class 0 object. Conversely, the rest of the lines are confined in the inner SVS13-A region, where complex organics were previously imaged. More specifically, the non-LTE LVG analysis of SO, SO2, and H2CS indicates a hot corino origin (size in the 60–120 au range). Temperatures between 50 K and 300 K, as well as volume densities larger than 105 cm−3 have been derived. The abundances of the sulphuretted are in the following ranges: 0.3–6 × 10−6 (CS), 7 × 10−9–1 × 10−7 (SO), 1–10 × 10−7 (SO2), a few 10−10 (H2CS and OCS), and 10−10–10−9 (NS). The N(NS)/N(NS+) ratio is larger than 10, supporting the assessment that the NS+ ion is mainly formed in the extended envelope. Conclusions. The [H2CS]/[H2CO] ratio, once measured at high-spatial resolutions, increases with time (from Class 0 to Class II objects) by more than one order of magnitude (from ≤10−2 to a few 10−1). This suggests that [S]/[O] changes along the process of Sun-like star formation. Finally, the estimate of the [S]/[H] budget in SVS13-A is 2–17% of the Solar System value (1.8 × 10−5), which is consistent with what was previously measured towards Class 0 objects (1–8%). This finding supports the notion that the enrichment of the sulphuretted species with respect to dark clouds remains constant from the Class 0 to the Class I stages of low-mass star formation. The present findings stress the importance of investigating the chemistry of star-forming regions using large observational surveys as well as sampling regions on the scale of the Solar System.

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