Condition-specific coregulation with cis-regulatory motifs and modules in the mouse genome.

Deciphering genetic regulatory codes remains a challenge. Here, we present an effective approach to identifying in vivo condition-specific coregulation with cis-regulatory motifs and modules in the mouse genome. A resampling-based algorithm was adopted to cluster our microarray data of a stress response, which generated 35 tight clusters with unique expression patterns containing 811 genes of 5652 genes significantly altered. Database searches identified many known motifs within the 3-kb regulatory regions of 40 genes from 3 clusters and modules with six to nine motifs that were commonly shared by 60-100% of these genes. The upstream regulatory region contained the highest frequency of these common motifs. CisModule program predictions were comparable with the results from database searches and found four potentially novel motifs. This result indicates that these motifs and modules could be responsible for gene coregulation of the stress response in the lacrimal gland.

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