The Polo‐like kinase Cdc5p and the WD‐repeat protein Cdc20p/fizzy are regulators and substrates of the anaphase promoting complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Proteolysis mediated by the anaphase promoting complex (APC) has a crucial role in regulating the passage of cells through anaphase. Destruction of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p is necessary for separation of sister chromatids, whereas destruction of the mitotic cyclin Clb2p is important for disassembly of the mitotic spindle, cytokinesis and re‐replication of the genome. Pds1p proteolysis precedes that of Clb2p by at least 15 min, which helps to ensure that cells never re‐replicate their genome before they have separated sister chromatids at the previous mitosis. What triggers Pds1p proteolysis and why does it not also trigger that of Clb2p? Apart from sharing a dependence on the APC, these two proteolytic events differ in their dependence on other cofactors. Pds1p proteolysis depends on a WD‐repeat protein called Cdc20p, whereas Clb2p proteolysis depends on another, related WD protein called Hct1/Cdh1p. On the other hand, destruction of Clb2p, but not that of Pds1p, depends on the Polo‐like kinase, Cdc5p. Cdc20p is essential for separation of sister chromatids, whereas Cdc5p is not. We show that both Cdc5p and Cdc20p are unstable proteins whose proteolysis is regulated by the APC. Both proteins accumulate during late G2/M phase and disappear at a late stage of anaphase. Accumulation of Cdc20p contributes to activation of Pds1p proteolysis in metaphase, whereas accumulation of Cdc5p facilitates the activation of Clb2p proteolysis.

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