Urban design with soundscape - Experiences of a Korean-German team

A kick off Soundscape workshop in Seoul for collaboration of a Korean and German team research took place at the time while the International Organization for Stand ardization”ISOTC43, SC1,SC2“ met in Seoul and brought together national and international experts working o n the standard for Soundscape evaluation procedures in Working Group ISOTC43SC1/WG54. Both organizers of the workshop are members of the WG 54, so for the workshop it was possible to bring together national and internation al experts in an evaluation process that looks for urban spaces and their design with respect to people’s mind but also to using recording facilities like a binaural reco rding system and video cameras. Beside theoretical and practical pres entations and discussions as a highlight was set a 2 hours Soundwalk in Seoul, evaluating different urban spaces us ing explicitly Soundscape evaluation procedures. Th e workshop was setting a new mile stone in Soundscape research and collaboration of Soundscape research in differ ent parts of the world. The meaning of sound, the perception of noise, the trend to design urban spaces not only wi th architectural know how but also with user’s expertise were centra l in the evaluation and brought new insights for bo th parties.