RFID를 활용한 적산온도방식의 콘크리트 강도 추정 시스템 기초 연구
The objective of this study is to develop the predicting method of concrete strength when remove concrete form-work without making cement test piece at construction site. For this purpose, this study catches the Maturity Method by using RFID, the usability of which is now being emphasized at site, accumulates and record the strength data, which can be gained with the results of existing Maturity Method method that is accompanied with strength estimation study, in database, and finally proposes the system structure which can check the estimated strength by Maturity Method. The merits of this method by using of Maturity Method are as follows; More objective, precise, and rapid decision can be made to the concrete strength and about the maintaining period of concrete form and form support. More efficient control of integrated material management system can be possible. Architectural field example using RFID can be suggested more concretely. RFID applicability can be extended by using DB of material integration management system.