Convex Integer Optimization by Constantly Many Linear Counterparts

In this article we study convex integer maximization problems with composite objective functions of the form $f(Wx)$, where $f$ is a convex function on $\R^d$ and $W$ is a $d\times n$ matrix with small or binary entries, over finite sets $S\subset \Z^n$ of integer points presented by an oracle or by linear inequalities. Continuing the line of research advanced by Uri Rothblum and his colleagues on edge-directions, we introduce here the notion of {\em edge complexity} of $S$, and use it to establish polynomial and constant upper bounds on the number of vertices of the projection $\conv(WS)$ and on the number of linear optimization counterparts needed to solve the above convex problem. Two typical consequences are the following. First, for any $d$, there is a constant $m(d)$ such that the maximum number of vertices of the projection of any matroid $S\subset\{0,1\}^n$ by any binary $d\times n$ matrix $W$ is $m(d)$ regardless of $n$ and $S$; and the convex matroid problem reduces to $m(d)$ greedily solvable linear counterparts. In particular, $m(2)=8$. Second, for any $d,l,m$, there is a constant $t(d;l,m)$ such that the maximum number of vertices of the projection of any three-index $l\times m\times n$ transportation polytope for any $n$ by any binary $d\times(l\times m\times n)$ matrix $W$ is $t(d;l,m)$; and the convex three-index transportation problem reduces to $t(d;l,m)$ linear counterparts solvable in polynomial time.

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