Preliminary checklist of the lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

A preliminary checklist of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Castilla-La Mancha is presented. A total of 5064 records have been compiled from 204 publications. The number of taxa ascends to 832, of which 820 are species and 12 infraspecific taxa. Of these 763 are lichenized and 69 correspond to lichenicolous fungi.

[1]  E. Rabbow,et al.  Detection of new biohints on lichens with Raman spectroscopy after space- and Mars like conditions exposure: Mission Ground Reference (MGR) samples. , 2021, Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.

[2]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Chorological novelties of the genus Cladonia in Toledo province (Spain) , 2021 .

[3]  M. Grube,et al.  Contrasting Environmental Drivers Determine Biodiversity Patterns in Epiphytic Lichen Communities along a European Gradient , 2020, Microorganisms.

[4]  S. Stenroos,et al.  Global Biodiversity Patterns of the Photobionts Associated with the Genus Cladonia (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) , 2020, Microbial Ecology.

[5]  S. Pérez-Ortega,et al.  The identity of Calicium corynellum (Ach.) Ach. , 2020, The Lichenologist.

[6]  D. Hawksworth,et al.  Lichens redefined as complex ecosystems , 2020, The New phytologist.

[7]  E. Rabbow,et al.  Lichen Vitality After a Space Flight on Board the EXPOSE-R2 Facility Outside the International Space Station: Results of the Biology and Mars Experiment. , 2020, Astrobiology.

[8]  P. Matos,et al.  How much matching there is in functional, phylogenetic and taxonomic optima of epiphytic macrolichen communities along a European climatic gradient? , 2020, The Science of the total environment.

[9]  M. Grube,et al.  Disentangling functional trait variation and covariation in epiphytic lichens along a continent-wide latitudinal gradient , 2020, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

[10]  G. Aragón,et al.  Intraspecific variability drives functional changes in lichen epiphytic communities across Europe. , 2020, Ecology.

[11]  J. Barrasa,et al.  Symbiont composition of the basidiolichen Lichenomphalia meridionalis varies with altitude in the Iberian Peninsula , 2020, The Lichenologist.

[12]  I. Martínez,et al.  Unassisted establishment of biological soil crusts on dryland road slopes , 2019, Web Ecology.

[13]  G. Aragón,et al.  A case study on the re-establishment of the cyanolichen symbiosis: where do the compatible photobionts come from? , 2019, Annals of botany.

[14]  Consuelo Hernández Padrón,et al.  Los Líquenes de Timanfaya , 2019, Vieraea Folia scientiarum biologicarum canariensium.

[15]  P. L. P. D. Paz,et al.  Los líquenes de Timanfaya , 2019 .

[16]  G. Aragón,et al.  Role of past and present landscape structure in determining epiphyte richness in fragmented Mediterranean forests , 2018, Landscape Ecology.

[17]  S. Stenroos,et al.  Taxonomy of Cladonia angustiloba and related species , 2018, The Lichenologist.

[18]  A. Z. Miller,et al.  Cellular Responses of the Lichen Circinaria gyrosa in Mars-Like Conditions , 2018, Front. Microbiol..

[19]  Sergio Pérez-Ortega,et al.  Effect of biological colonization on ceramic roofing tiles by lichens and a combined laser and biocide procedure for its removal , 2018 .

[20]  I. Laakso,et al.  Genetic variation and factors affecting the genetic structure of the lichenicolous fungus Heterocephalacria bachmannii (Filobasidiales, Basidiomycota) , 2017, PloS one.

[21]  J. Iriondo,et al.  Identification of ecogeographical gaps in the Spanish Aegilops collections with potential tolerance to drought and salinity , 2017, PeerJ.

[22]  I. Martínez,et al.  Variation in the reproductive strategy of a lichenized fungus along a climatic gradient , 2017, Annals of botany.

[23]  I. Martínez,et al.  Intraspecific life history variation in contrasting habitats: Insights from an obligate symbiotic organism. , 2017, American journal of botany.

[24]  S. Stenroos,et al.  Phylogenetic placement within Lecanoromycetes of lichenicolous fungi associated with Cladonia and some other genera , 2017, Persoonia.

[25]  J. C. Zamora,et al.  An old familiar face: Tremella anaptychiae sp. nov. (Tremellales, Basidiomycota) , 2017 .

[26]  H. Lumbsch,et al.  Using a temporal phylogenetic method to harmonize family- and genus-level classification in the largest clade of lichen-forming fungi , 2017, Fungal Diversity.

[27]  I. Martínez,et al.  A species on a tightrope: Establishment limitations of an endangered lichen in a fragmented Mediterranean landscape. , 2017, American journal of botany.

[28]  J. D. de Vera,et al.  The Effect of High-Dose Ionizing Radiation on the Isolated Photobiont of the Astrobiological Model Lichen Circinaria gyrosa. , 2017, Astrobiology.

[29]  S. Endesfelder,et al.  Reduction of cortical parvalbumin expressing GABAergic interneurons in a rodent hyperoxia model of preterm birth brain injury with deficits in social behavior and cognition. , 2021, Development.

[30]  G. Aragón,et al.  Epiphyte communities in Mediterranean fragmented forests: importance of the fragment size and the surrounding matrix , 2016, Landscape Ecology.

[31]  J. C. Zamora,et al.  Understanding lichenicolous heterobasidiomycetes: new taxa and reproductive innovations in Tremella s.l. , 2016, Mycologia.

[32]  J. Lendemer,et al.  Climate change impacts on endemic, high-elevation lichens in a biodiversity hotspot , 2016, Biodiversity and Conservation.

[33]  G. Aragón,et al.  The threatened epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in the Iberian Peninsula: genetic diversity and structure across a latitudinal gradient. , 2015, Fungal biology.

[34]  A. R. Burgaz Las familias "Baeomycetaceae" e I"Icmadophilaceae" en la Península Ibérica , 2015 .

[35]  H. Lumbsch,et al.  The phenotypic features used for distinguishing species within the Cladonia furcata complex are highly homoplasious , 2015, The Lichenologist.

[36]  G. Aragón,et al.  Development and characterization of fungal specific microsatellite markers in the lichen Lobarina scrobiculata (Lobariaceae, Ascomycota) , 2015, The Lichenologist.

[37]  P. Matos,et al.  Lichen traits responding to aridity , 2015 .

[38]  G. Aragón,et al.  Edge type determines the intensity of forest edge effect on epiphytic communities , 2015, European Journal of Forest Research.

[39]  G. Aragón,et al.  Environmental Factors That Drive the Distribution and Abundance of a Threatened Cyanolichen in Southern Europe: a Multi-scale Approach 1 , 2022 .

[40]  G. Aragón,et al.  What factors influence the occurrence of the genus Degelia (a threatened lichen) in central Spain , 2014 .

[41]  F. J. Sánchez,et al.  Effects of UVC254 nm on the photosynthetic activity of photobionts from the astrobiologically relevant lichens Buellia frigida and Circinaria gyrosa , 2014, International Journal of Astrobiology.

[42]  A. R. Burgaz Líquenes de Andalucía (S de España): catálogo bibliográfico y nuevos datos del NW del área , 2014 .

[43]  J. D. de Vera,et al.  Extremotolerance and Resistance of Lichens: Comparative Studies on Five Species Used in Astrobiological Research II. Secondary Lichen Compounds , 2013, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres.

[44]  H. Hübers,et al.  Raman spectroscopic analysis of the calcium oxalate producing extremotolerant lichen Circinaria gyrosa , 2013, International Journal of Astrobiology.

[45]  G. Horneck,et al.  UV-C tolerance of symbiotic Trebouxia sp. in the space-tested lichen species Rhizocarpon geographicum and Circinaria gyrosa: role of the hydration state and cortex/screening substances , 2013, International Journal of Astrobiology.

[46]  F. J. Sánchez,et al.  Extremotolerance and Resistance of Lichens: Comparative Studies on Five Species Used in Astrobiological Research I. Morphological and Anatomical Characteristics , 2013, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres.

[47]  M. Grube,et al.  The genetic structure of the cosmopolitan three-partner lichen Ramalina farinacea evidences the concerted diversification of symbionts. , 2013, FEMS microbiology ecology.

[48]  H. Lumbsch,et al.  Diversification of the newly recognized lichen-forming fungal lineage Montanelia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) and its relation to key geological and climatic events. , 2012, American journal of botany.

[49]  I. Martínez,et al.  Does the Reproductive Strategy Affect the Transmission and Genetic Diversity of Bionts in Cyanolichens? A Case Study Using Two Closely Related Species , 2012, Microbial Ecology.

[50]  Eva Mateo-Martí,et al.  The resistance of the lichen Circinaria gyrosa (nom. provis.) towards simulated Mars conditions—a model test for the survival capacity of an eukaryotic extremophile , 2012 .

[51]  I. Martínez,et al.  Multiple-scale environmental modulation of lichen reproduction. , 2012, Fungal biology.

[52]  Stefano Martellos,et al.  From a textual checklist to an information system: The case study of ITALIC, the Information System on Italian Lichens , 2012 .

[53]  J. Hyvönen,et al.  Phylogeny and taxonomy of the ‘manna lichens’ , 2012, Mycological Progress.

[54]  L. Sancho,et al.  Extreme phenotypic variation in Cetraria aculeata (lichenized Ascomycota): adaptation or incidental modification? , 2012, Annals of botany.

[55]  S. Stenroos,et al.  Cladonia conista and C. humilis (Cladoniaceae) are different species , 2012 .

[56]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Cladonia subturgida and C. iberica (Cladoniaceae) form a single, morphologically and chemically polymorphic species , 2012, Mycological Progress.

[57]  H. Lumbsch,et al.  Species delimitations in the Cladonia cariosa group (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycota) , 2011, The Lichenologist.

[58]  I. Martínez,et al.  Fine spatial pattern of an epiphytic lichen species is affected by habitat conditions in two forest types in the Iberian Mediterranean region. , 2011, Fungal biology.

[59]  J. C. Zamora,et al.  Tremella macrobasidiata (Basidiomycota, Tremellales), a new lichenicolous fungus from the Iberian Peninsula , 2011, The Lichenologist.

[60]  G. Horneck,et al.  Whole lichen thalli survive exposure to space conditions: results of Lithopanspermia experiment with Aspicilia fruticulosa. , 2011, Astrobiology.

[61]  G. Aragón,et al.  Remnants fragments preserve genetic diversity of the old forest lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in a fragmented Mediterranean mountain forest , 2011, Biodiversity and Conservation.

[62]  I. Martínez,et al.  The genus Placidiopsis in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands , 2011 .

[63]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Insight into the Cladonia convoluta-C. foliacea (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycota) complex and related species, revealed through morphological, biochemical and phylogenetic analyses , 2010 .

[64]  I. Martínez,et al.  Effects of Mediterranean dehesa management on epiphytic lichens. , 2010, The Science of the total environment.

[65]  G. Aragón,et al.  The genus Catapyrenium s. lat. (Verrucariaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands , 2010, The Lichenologist.

[66]  A. R. Burgaz Nuevos datos sobre el género Placynthium en la Península Ibérica , 2010 .

[67]  G. Aragón,et al.  Multiple origins of high reciprocal symbiotic specificity at an intercontinental spatial scale among gelatinous lichens (Collemataceae, Lecanoromycetes). , 2010, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.

[68]  G. Horneck,et al.  Survival of lichens and bacteria exposed to outer space conditions – Results of the Lithopanspermia experiments , 2010 .

[69]  I. Martínez,et al.  Phylogenetic study of Catapyrenium s. str. (Verrucariaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota) and related genus Placidiopsis , 2010, Mycologia.

[70]  I. Martínez,et al.  Phylogeography and Divergence Date Estimates of a Lichen Species Complex with a Disjunct Distribution Pattern 1 , 2022 .

[71]  J. Etayo Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de Aragón , 2010 .

[72]  I. Martínez,et al.  Fragment quality and matrix affect epiphytic performance in a Mediterranean forest landscape. , 2009, American journal of botany.

[73]  C. R. Darwin,et al.  Lichenostigma epirupestre, a new lichenicolous species on Pertusaria from Spain , 2009 .

[74]  A. Moreno El género "Cladonia" en la península Ibérica: supergrupo "Cocciferae" , 2009 .

[75]  P. Izquierdo,et al.  Valoración de la diversidad de líquenes epífitos en bosques de quercíneas mediante un nuevo índice liquénico (IDLE). Aplicación a la Red Natura 2000 , 2008 .

[76]  A. Moreno,et al.  Datos morfológicos y distribución del género "Cladonia" en la Península Ibérica: supergrupo Crustaceae , 2008 .

[77]  S. Pérez-Ortega,et al.  A new species of Lecanora s. lat., growing on Lasallia pustulata , 2008, The Lichenologist.

[78]  J. E. Salazar,et al.  Líquenes epífitos y hongos liquenícolas del Bosque Viejo de Munain-Okariz (Álava, País Vasco, España) , 2008 .

[79]  R. Durán,et al.  Nuevas citas de líquenes del Parque Natural "Serra da Enciña da Lastra" (Ourense, Galicia, España) , 2008 .

[80]  N. Hladun,et al.  Mycocalicium llimonae, a new species from the Iberian Peninsula , 2007, The Lichenologist.

[81]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Aspicilia uxoris, an epiphytic species from Algeria, Morocco and Spain , 2007, The Lichenologist.

[82]  F. P. Capdepón Geografía de Castilla-La Mancha , 2007 .

[83]  E. Llop Waynea cretica, a new species from the Mediterranean Region , 2006, The Lichenologist.

[84]  F. Maestre,et al.  Small-scale patterns of abundance of mosses and lichens forming biological soil crusts in two semi-arid gypsum environments , 2006 .

[85]  Amaya Álvarez-Lafuente,et al.  Primer catálogo de líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León (España) , 2006 .

[86]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Aportación al conocimiento de los líquenes rupícolas que colonizan las pedrizas del Parque Nacional de Cabañeros , 2006 .

[87]  R. Belinchón,et al.  Aportación al conocimiento de los líquenes epífitos de Pinus halepensis, P. nigra, P. pinaster y P. sylvestris en la Península Ibérica , 2006 .

[88]  Amaya Álvarez-Lafuente,et al.  Primer catálogo de líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria , 2006 .

[89]  Dolores Rodríguez Fernández,et al.  Parque Natural Serra da Enciña da Lastra , 2005 .

[90]  D. Hawksworth,et al.  A molecular phylogeny and a new classification of parmelioid lichens containing Xanthoparmelia-type lichenan (Ascomycota: Lecanorales) , 2004 .

[91]  G. Aragón,et al.  The Lecanora varia Group in Spain: Species with Amphithecial Cortex , 2004 .

[92]  G. Aragón,et al.  Ecological and chorological novelties of the genus Leptogium in the Iberian Peninsula , 2004 .

[93]  I. Martínez,et al.  A new corticolous species of Leptogium (Collemataceae) from Spain , 2004, The Lichenologist.

[94]  I. Martínez,et al.  The lichen Leptogium subaridum, a new Mediterranean-NW American disjunction , 2004, The Lichenologist.

[95]  D. Hawksworth,et al.  Comparison of rRNA genotype frequencies ofParmelia sulcata from long established and recolonizing sites following sulphur dioxide amelioration , 1999, Plant Systematics and Evolution.

[96]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Pre-climax epiphyte communities of bryophytes and lichens in Mediterranean forests from the Central Plateau (Spain) , 1996, Vegetatio.

[97]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes and their communities in deciduous forests in mediterranean Spain , 1994, Vegetatio.

[98]  I. Martínez,et al.  Epiphytic lichens on Juniperus oxycedrus L. in the Iberian Peninsula , 2004 .

[99]  G. Aragón,et al.  Ophioparma juniperiicola, a New Lichen from Spain , 2003 .

[100]  J. Andrés The genus Pachyphiale (Gyalectales, Ascomycotina) in the Iberian Peninsula , 2003 .

[101]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Epiphytic Verrucariaceae (Lichens) in Mediterranean Spain , 2003 .

[102]  G. Aragón,et al.  Bacidia iberica, A New Lichen from Spain, and its Relationship to Bacidia rubella , 2003 .

[103]  D. Hawksworth,et al.  Notes on the genus Polycoccum (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae) in Spain, with a key to the species , 2003, The Lichenologist.

[104]  V. Calatayud,et al.  Three New Species of Stigmidium s. l. (lichenicolous ascomycetes) on Acarospora and Squamarina , 2003, The Lichenologist.

[105]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Two new species of Mycobilimbia from Spain , 2003, The Lichenologist.

[106]  I. Martínez,et al.  Threatened lichens in central Spain (saxicolous species excluded) , 2003 .

[107]  Gregorio Aragón Sobre la presencia de Catapyrenium daedaleum (Kremp.) Stein (Verrucariaceae, Lichenes) en España , 2003 .

[108]  X. Llimona,et al.  The genus pertusaria (Lichenised ascomycotina) on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. I. Subgenus pertusaria , 2003 .

[109]  I. Martínez,et al.  Epiphytic lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the ’Serranía de Cuenca’ mountains (’Sistema Ibérico’, Spain) , 2002, Herzogia.

[110]  J. Hafellner,et al.  Three new species of the genus Dactylospora in Spain , 2002, The Lichenologist.

[111]  A. Nordin,et al.  Buellia Triseptata in the Iberian Peninsula , 2002, The Lichenologist.

[112]  I. Martínez Lichenicolous fungi from the Iberian Peninsula and the Macaronesian area , 2002 .

[113]  M. C. L. D. Silanes,et al.  The genus Gyalecta (Gyalectales, Ascomycotina) in the Iberian Peninsula , 2002 .

[114]  I. Martínez,et al.  Candelariella Faginea and C. Viae-Lacteae, New to SW Europe , 2002, The Lichenologist.

[115]  A. Moreno,et al.  Los liquenes epífitos como bioindicadores de la regeneración natural de los bosques meditarráneos de fagáceas , 2002 .

[116]  I. Martínez,et al.  The Placynthium nigrum group in the Iberian Peninsula , 2002 .

[117]  I. Martínez,et al.  First record of "Lecanora hypoptella" (Nyl.) Grummann (Lecanoraceae, Lichenes) in SW Europe , 2002 .

[118]  J. Barrasa,et al.  Lichenized Species of Omphalina (Tricholomataceae) in the Iberian Peninsula , 2001, The Lichenologist.

[119]  M. Giralt The lichen genera Rinodina and Rinodinella (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula , 2001 .

[120]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Propuesta de áreas de conservación en el Sistema Ibérico Central (España) utilizando la diversidad liquénica. , 2001 .

[121]  F. Fernández,et al.  Catálogo de líquenes en Asturias , 2000 .

[122]  J. Egea,et al.  Caloplaca Cancarixiticola, A New Species from South-East Spain Growing on Ultrapotassic Rocks , 2000, The Lichenologist.

[123]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Sobre la presencia de Rinodina dalmatica Zahlbr. en España , 2000 .

[124]  V. Calatayud,et al.  Fenestroconidia Caloplacae, A New Sporodochial Lichenicolous Fungus with Catenate Conidiogenous Cells , 1999, The Lichenologist.

[125]  I. Martínez,et al.  Lecanora Paramerae, a New Lichen from Spain , 1999, The Lichenologist.

[126]  I. Martínez,et al.  The genus Nephroma Ach. in the Iberian Peninsula , 1999 .

[127]  V. J. Rico Aspicilia Crespiana, a new Lichen Species from Southern Europe , 1999, The Lichenologist.


[129]  M. Moreno Taxonomía del género "peltigera" willd (Ascomycetes liquenizados) en la Península Ibérica y estudio de sus hongos liquenícolas , 1999 .

[130]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Contribución al conocimiento de los líquenes epifíticos de la sierra de Alcaraz (Albacete, España) , 1999 .

[131]  I. M. Moreno,et al.  La familia Lobariaceae en la Península Ibérica , 1999 .

[132]  I. Martínez,et al.  Lichens and lichenicolous fungi on Peltigerales in the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands , 1998 .

[133]  I. M. Moreno,et al.  Estudio del género Solorina Ach. (Ascomicetes liquenizados) en la Península Ibérica. , 1998 .

[134]  I. Martínez,et al.  Revision of the genus Solorina (Lichenes) in Europe based on spore size variation , 1998 .

[135]  P. Nimis,et al.  Lichens, air pollution and lung cancer , 1997, Nature.

[136]  M. Giralt,et al.  The saxicolous species of the genera Rinodina and Rinodinella lacking spot test reactions in the Iberian Peninsula. , 1997 .

[137]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Contribución al conocimiento de los liquenes epifiticos de los montes de Toledo (Toledo, Espana) , 1997 .

[138]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Los macrolíquenes de macizo del Calar del Mundo (Albacete) y de la Sierra de Segura (Jaén, España) , 1997 .

[139]  J. Hafellner,et al.  Species of the Genus Lecidea (Lecanorales) on Gypsum in Spain , 1996, The Lichenologist.

[140]  A. Moreno,et al.  Flora liquénica de la provincia de Toledo. , 1996 .

[141]  J. G. Rowe,et al.  Enumeración de los líquenes del herbario de Longinos Navas S. J , 1996 .

[142]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Buellia Cedricola New to Europe , 1995, The Lichenologist.

[143]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Comunidades lignícolas del sector central de Sierra Morena (SW de España) , 1995 .

[144]  I. M. Moreno,et al.  Aportaciones a la corología del género Peltigera Willd. en la Península Ibérica. I. Grupo de Peltigera canina. , 1995 .

[145]  M. Giralt,et al.  The saxicolous species of the genus Rinodina in the Iberian Peninsula containing atranorin, pannarin and gyrophoric acid , 1995 .

[146]  W. B. Sanders,et al.  Physical Interactions of two Rhizomorph-forming Lichens with their Rock Substrate , 1994 .

[147]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Climax epiphytic communities in Mediterranean Spain , 1994 .

[148]  Gregorio Aragón,et al.  Cartografía corológica de líquenes ibéricos, I. , 1994 .

[149]  J. Egea,et al.  Two Lichens New to Europe , 1993, The Lichenologist.

[150]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Estudio del género Peltigera en España peninsular. I , 1993 .

[151]  V. Calatayud,et al.  Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia, Lichenes, 4752-4802 , 1993 .

[152]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Líquenes epífitos de Sierra Madrona (Ciudad Real, España) , 1993 .

[153]  A. R. Burgaz,et al.  Contribution to the study of the genera Cladina and Cladonia in Spain. I , 1992 .

[154]  C. Saiz-Jimenez,et al.  Lichens and bryophytes as agents of deterioration of building materials in Spanish cathedrals , 1991 .

[155]  Leopoldo G. Sancho,et al.  Química y distribución de Umbilicaria freyi, U. grisea y U. hirsuta en la Peninsula Ibérica. , 1991 .

[156]  Esteban Manrique Reol,et al.  Estudio químico y morfológico de Ramalina polymorpha grex en España , 1991 .

[157]  A. Moreno,et al.  Algunos líquenes epífitos del hayedo de Tejera Negra (Guadalajara, España) , 1990 .

[158]  J. Egea Los géneros Heppia y Peltula (Liquenes) en Europa Occidental y Norte de Africa , 1989 .

[159]  L. Sancho,et al.  Lasallia Hispanica and Related Species , 1989, The Lichenologist.

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