Increased levels of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in urine and tissue culture supernatant from human primary bone tumours.

Fifty-five adult patients with primary bone tumour, 27 benign and 28 malignant tumours, were assayed for leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in urine and serum samples. Supernatant was obtained from primary tumour tissue cultures in 24 cases (14 benign, 10 malignant tumours). LIF was found in 11 urine samples (16.7%, 1 benign and 10 malignant tumours). In 23 urine samples from patients with malignant bone tumour tested before any treatment, LIF was detectable in eight cases (34.7%). High LIF levels were found in all supernatants from malignant tumour cultures and in supernatant from 12 of the 14 benign tumours cultured. LIF was never detected in control urine samples or supernatants from normal cancelous bone cultures. These first in vivo data concerning LIF in primary bone tumours raise the question as to the cellular origin of this multifunctional cytokine and its potential role in solid bone tumours and bone tumour resorption.