Information and communications technologies (ICTs) may facilitate shorting length of stay (LOS) of patients through the optimization of processes and delivery services.
This study aims to provide technology-based solutions and interventions based on health information technology (HIT) that have optimization potentials of patients' LOS.
This review study searched papers in PubMed, Scopus as well as Google Scholar without presuming time limits by the end of 2019. English and Persian Papers were included, which addressed an association between the ICT and LOS as well as its positive effect in shortening LOS.
Identified technologies were finally classified into eleven groups. Based on the findings, common health technologies such as health information systems, telemedicine especially tele-consultation, electronic discharge planning tools, and visual analytical dashboards in order to expedite the process and help to optimize LOS seem appropriate.
HIT-based interventions have potential that may support better management of processes related to patients' admission, hospitalization, and discharge. However consistently evaluation along with using any new technology is necessary.