Nonlinear block-oriented systems, including the Hammerstein, Wiener and feedbacknonlinear systems have attracted considerable research interest both from the industrial and academic environments (Bai, 1998), (Greblicki, 1989), (Latawiec, 2004), (Latawiec et al., 2003), (Latawiec et al., 2004), (Pearson & Pottman, 2000). It is well known that orthonormal basis functions (OBF) (Bokor et al., 1999) have proved to be useful in identification and control of dynamical systems, including nonlinear blockoriented systems (Gomez & Baeyens, 2004), (Latawiec, 2004), (Latawiec et al., 2003), (Latawiec et al., 2006), (Latawiec et al., 2004), (Stanislawski et al., 2006). In particular, an inverse OBF (IOBF) modeling approach has been effective in identification of a linear dynamic part of the feedback-nonlinear and Hammerstein systems (Latawiec, 2004), (Latawiec et al., 2004). On the other hand, regular OBF (ROBF) modeling approach has proved to be useful in identification of the Wiener system. The approaches provide the separability in estimation of linear and nonlinear submodels (Latawiec et al., 2004), thus eliminating the bilinearity issue detrimentally affecting e.g. the ARX-based modeling schemes (Latawiec, 2004), (Latawiec et al., 2003), (Latawiec et al., 2006), (Latawiec et al., 2004). The IOBF modeling approach is continued to be efficiently used here to model a linear dynamic part of the feedback-nonlinear and Hammerstein systems and regular OBF modeling approach is used to model a linear part of the Wiener system. The problem of modeling of a nonlinear static part of the nonlinear block-oriented system can be classically tackled using e.g. the polynomial expansion (Latawiec, 2004), (Latawiec et al., 2004) or (cubic) spline functions. Recently, a radial basis function network (RBFN) has been used to model a nonlinear static part of the Hammerstein and feedback-nonlinear systems and a very good identification performance has been obtained (Hachino et al., 2004), (Stanislawski, 2007), (Stanislawski et al., 2007). The concept is extended here to cover the Wiener system. This paper presents a new strategy for nonlinear block-oriented system identification, which is a combination of OBF modeling for a linear dynamic part and RBFN modeling for a nonlinear static element. The effective OBF approach is finally coupled with the RBFN modeling concept, giving rise to the introduction of a powerful method for identification of the nonlinear block-oriented system.
T. Hachino,et al.
Identification of Hammerstein model using radial basis function networks and genetic algorithm
2004 5th Asian Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04EX904).
Namyong Kim,et al.
Learning Behaviors of Stochastic Gradient Radial Basis Function Network Algorithms for Odor Sensing Systems
E. Bai.
An optimal two stage identification algorithm for Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear systems
Enrique Baeyens,et al.
Identification of block-oriented nonlinear systems using orthonormal bases
G. Oliveira,et al.
Linear parameter estimation and predictive constrained control of wiener/hammerstein systems
Anthony G. Constantinides,et al.
A novel algorithm for the adaptation of the pole of Laguerre filters
IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
Bo Wahlberg,et al.
Modelling and Identification with Orthogonal Basis Functions
Krzysztof J. Latawiec,et al.
A new analytical design methodology for adaptive control of nonlinear block-oriented systems. Vol. XI
T. E. O. Silva.
Optimal Pole Conditions for Laguerre and Two-Parameter Kautz Models: A Survey of Known Results
R. Pearson,et al.
Gray-box identification of block-oriented nonlinear models
W. Greblicki.
Non-parametric orthogonal series identification of Hammerstein systems