We show an interesting connection between two-way deterministic finite automata with monotonic counters and quadratic Diophantine equations. The automaton M operates on inputs of the form a1i1...anin for some fixed n and distinct symbols a1,...,an, where i1,...,in are nonnegative integers. We consider the following reachability problem: given a machine M, a state q, and a Presburger relation E over counter values, is there (i1,...,in) such that M, when started in its initial state on the left end of the input a1i1...anin with all counters initially zero, reaches some configuration where the state is q and the counter values satisfy E? In particular, we look at the case when the relation E is an equality relation, i.e., a conjunction of relations of the form Ci = Cj. We show that this case and variations of it are equivalent to the solvability of some special classes of systems of quadratic Diophantine equations. We also study the nondeterministic version of two-way finite automata augmented with monotonic counters with respect to the reachability problem. Finally, we introduce a technique which uses decidability and undecidability results to show "separation" between language classes.
Eitan M. Gurari,et al.
The Complexity of Decision Problems for Finite-Turn Multicounter Machines
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Two-way counter machines and Diophantine equations
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Tao Jiang,et al.
New Decidability Results Concerning Two-Way Counter Machines
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The Diophantine problem for addition and divisibility
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Reversal-Bounded Multicounter Machines and Their Decision Problems
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Recursive Unsolvability of Post's Problem of "Tag" and other Topics in Theory of Turing Machines
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Oscar H. Ibarra,et al.
On the Emptiness Problem for Two-Way NFA with One Reversal-Bounded Counter