Technology Development For Cashew Apple Processing In Konkan Region – A Review

Cashew is mainly cultivated for its nuts. The kidney shaped nut is the real fruit while apple attached to it is the juicy swollen peduncle having rich reserve of vitamins and minerals. The typical colour of the apple at full ripe stage varies with genotypes and is generally yellow, golden yellow, cherry coloured or red. Full grown cashew apple weighs about 50 to 100 g, but depends upon genotypes. The production of cashew apple in Maharashtra is estimated to be around 14-15 lak ton year-1. Various technologies have been developed by Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli for the utilization of fresh cashew apple into various value added products. Processing of cashew apple is an economically viable enterprise in cashew growing tracts especially for Women Self Help Groups. These products are also useful for strengthening of present processing industries.