내화피복된 철골부재의 한계온도 및 허용온도에 관한 고찰
Japan society for finishing technology in fire-resistant construction guidelines were issued in 2010. Accordingly, the interest of the country increased fire resistance standards. The local fire performance evaluation of non-load heating experiments is determined by the allowable temperature (538 ℃) and limit temperature (649 ℃), regardless of the refractory coating. Meanwhile, Japan society for finishing technology in the permissible temperature (350 ℃) and limit temperature (450 ℃) value to the state when the refractory coating has proposed a conservative. The validity of the permitted limit temperature change and the need to review.In this study, the results of fire resistance for domestic and non-composite columns were re-examined. As a result, the refractory coating thickness is affected by the limit temperature increase should be about 59% to 312% were satisfied with the fire resistance.