Oil enhancement Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Power Universal Supply (OCDOPUS project)

Following the contributions of Hochstein (1940), Degtiarev (1967), Pechtl (1991), Yantovskii (1991), De Ruyck (1992), Van Steenderen (1992), Bolland et al (1992), Holt et all (1992) we have considered an internal combustion carbon dioxide power plant aimed at producing some flows needed for enhancement of oil recovery. The power unit consists of air separation machine to produce oxygen for combustion and nitrogen for injection, combustion chamber, turbine, compressors, recuperator and cooling tower. The unit consumes the oil gases as fuel and produces liquid CO2, highly compressed nitrogen, process steam and power, if necessary. No exhaust gases are released from the plant. The outline of plant, the cycle on T-S diagram, the tables of state points and flowrates are presented along with efficiency calculation. The plant seems to be of interest for offshore oil drilling platform.