The Realization and Analysis of Capacitance Self Tracing (CST) Method for Wide Band Response Measurement of Carrier Type Dynamic Strain Amplifier

Carrier type dynamic strain amplifiers are frequently used for stress measurement with strain gages. That is because the carrier type dynamic strain amplifier can conduct high precision measurement since it is highly resistant against hum noise from the power supply frequency in principle and is free from the thermoelectomotive force even if a metal contact is used in wiring to a Wheatstone bridge for measuring.A problem of the carrier type dynamic strain amplifier is generation of Capacitive component (hereinafter referred to as the C component) in an input cable connecting from the amplifier to the input sensor (Wheatstone bridge for measuring). The C component varies with cable length, cable materials, or ambient temperature change. The aforementioned changing adversely affects the stability of the amplifier. In this paper, we realize and analyze the method that increases the stability of amplifier by detecting, eliminating and self tracking the above C component constantly. Used carrier frequency at 12kHz and 28kHz.We made amplifiers with noise resistant and wide band frequency of measurement range and verified the theory of the Capacitance Self Tracing with the above amplifiers.