Determination of beam‐to‐column connection characteristics in pallet rack structures: a comparison of the EN and ANSI methods and an analysis of the influence of the moment‐to‐shear ratios

he beam-to-column connections in most of the pallet rack structures made of thin-walled steel sections are of the clip-on type. These connections are of a semi-rigid nature and have a non-linear moment–rotation relationship, which has to be determined experimen - tally. The experimental methods described in the European standard (EN 15512: 2009) and the American standard (ANSI MH 16.1: 2008) are different. This paper presents a series of test results determining the beam-to-column connection characteristics of European and American origin, tested with both methods. This is followed by a comparison and analysis of the results. The influence of the distance from the applied load to the face of the upright, i.e. the influence of the moment-to-shear ratio, is also analysed and discussed