The impact of a school-based water, sanitation and hygiene program on health and absenteeism of primary school children
This thesis describes research designed to quantify and describe the impact
of improved access to school water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) access
on pupils' helminth infection and diarrhoeal disease and absence from school.
The research was undertaken as part of a five-year cluster-randomized trial in
185 public primary schools in Nyanza Province, Kenya that addressed school
WASH impacts, knowledge diffusion, sustainability, and advocacy. One
hundred eighty-five schools were randomly selected and assigned to five
study arms to receive various water treatment, hygiene promotion, sanitation,
and water supply improvements. All pupils at enrolled schools were
dewormed at baseline and at two follow-up time pOints. A total of 11,458
pupils were interviewed over two years to compare rates of school absence,
rates and intensity of reinfection with soil transmitted helminths, and risk of
diarrhoeal disease.
We found no overall impact of our school-based WASH intervention on pupil
absence. However, a domain analysis revealed a substantial and significant
reduction in absence for girls attending schools that received WASH
improvements. Schools that received a hygiene promotion and water
treatment (HP&WT) intervention showed statistically similar reductions to
those that received HP&WT in addition to sanitation improvements.
Gender-specific effects were also found for reduced reinfection of soiltransmitted
helminth infection. Girls showed a significant decline in prevalence and intensity of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides, while boys
showed reduced reinfection for Hookworm. Household WASH characteristics
significantly modified the effect of the school-based intervention, revealing
potential questions about exposure to fecal pathogens at home and at school.
Schools that received HP&WT and those that received HP&WT plus
sanitation improvements showed no reduction in diarrhoeal disease
prevalence. However, schools allocated to the water "scarce" research group,
which received water supply improvements in addition to HP&WT and
sanitation, did show significant and substantial reductions in both prevalence
and duration of diarrhoeal illness.
While household-level WASH has been investigated extensively, this is the
first comprehensive study to investigate the impact of improved WASH at
schools. Overall, our results reveal the important role that school WASH can
play in mitigating disease burden and lowering pupil absence. Additional
research is necessary to fully explore these issues.