The Comparison of Psychological Problems Between Parents of Intellectual Disabilities Children and Parents of Normal Children

For the purpose of studying psychological programs in parents with intellectual disabilities children 100 parents with mentally retarded child were selected and compared with 100 having normal children. The subjects were parents of student's studying in exceptional and normal primary schools of Arak grades Second to fifth. That was selected by sample random sampling method. Of the total simple 100 subjects were mothers and the remaining 100 were fathers that are 50 mothers and 50 fathers of intellectual disabilities children on the other hand. Also the existence of psychological problems in parents with intellectual disabilities children were studied and compared. The finding of the independent t-test for to groups showed that parents with intellectual disabilities children experienced more psychological problems as compared with those having normal children and their difference as regards hostility, Anxiety, obsessive compulsive, interpersonal senility, psychotics, summarization and depression were significant and as regards phobic-and paranoid states, there were no significant differences between parents of the two groups. The findings of the dependent t-test for examining difference existed between mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities children showed that mothers tolerated those problems more than fathers. That there existed a significant difference between fathers and mothers as regards hostility behavior, depression, summarization inter personality senility and anxiety and obsessive-compulsive and there was no significant difference between fathers and mothers of intellectual disabilities children as regards psychotics, phobic and paranoid states.