Scale-space filtering is used to screen information obtained from signals that produce a complex curve (such as that in geographic and thermal analysis) to gain a truer representation of the area under analysis. PSF extends this technique to extract non-periodic hills and valleys from a signal. Because the signal's information is sometimes too complex to determine with certainty if some features are real or artificial, PSF calculates probabilities, with the extracted features corresponding to real events, in order to aid in determining the signal's accuracy. Since the probabilities associated with the features are derived from domain-specific statistics, it is (most likely) necessary to modify the program code to correspond to the user's particular domain. PSF also provides a standard scale-space filtering algorithm for use when the desired features can be identified with certainty or when it is not practical to get the domain-specific statistics. The PSF algorithm is based on Witkin's scale-space filtering theory. The program detects signal variations by finding the points of inflection in the input signal. The number and position of these points are dependent upon the scale of the derivative operators used to detect them. Therefore, instead of assuming any single scale to be correct, PSF identifies points of inflection in a large number of different scales. It then describes the curve according to the groups of points of inflection, across all scales, caused by the same physical process. PSF provides an output table giving the following information: the abscissa of the first inflection of the peak, the type of peak, the distance between the first and second inflection points, the abscissa of the peak, and the probability of the feature corresponding to a real event in the curve. The program will also list points representing a graphical image of the signal and detected peaks. This data can be used with a standard plotting program (not included) to display the signal and its features graphically. PSF is written in C language (49%) and Common LISP (51%) for use on a Sun SPARC workstation running the UNIX operating system. PSF requires 4Mb of RAM. The standard distribution medium for this program is a .25 streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format. It is also available on a 3.5 inch diskette in UNIX tar format. PSF was developed in 1991. Sun and SPARC are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.