Assembly system facility design

This paper addresses the design of an assembly system facility consisting of multiple assembly lines of different shapes. In such a design problem there are two conflicting objectives: (i) to minimize the overall area of the facility; and (ii) to maximize the efficiency of the material handling transportation system. We first address the optimization problem of objective (ii) when replacing objective (i) with a constraint on the facility area. We propose a mixed-integer linear program to determine the layout of a facility with given dimensions and with given assembly line areas and shapes (that cannot be changed due to technological considerations). In the layout model, the physical placement of each line within the facility is a decision variable. The objective function of the layout model is to minimize the distances traveled by material flow. Our performance analysis provides an indication of the maximal problem size that can be solved in a reasonable amount of time and we examine the effect of the problem parameters on the solution run time. This layout model is then incorporated into an efficiency frontier approach for facility design to address both objectives. Examples are presented to illustrate the use of the proposed facility design model.