Review of recent advances in UK operational hydrometeorology

The last 3 years have seen major developments in operational hydrometeorology in the UK. Operational hydrometeorology is largely concerned with real-time flood forecasting. The primary catalyst for development was Sir Michael Pitt's review of the summer 2007 floods. This driver, coupled with ongoing forecasting developments at the Environment Agency and increases in Met Office capability in forecasting rainfall, has allowed the hydrological and meteorological communities to grow closer together, their joint knowledge being united to improve forecast accuracy, lead time and spatial coverage. A key development has been the establishment of the joint Flood Forecasting Centre for England and Wales, aligned to specific recommendations from the Pitt review, which comprises Met Office and Environment Agency personnel in equal measure. Significant areas of development include urban surface water flooding forecasts, forecasting in ‘rapid response' catchments and longer range forecasting of potential river flooding...