Quasi-optic diffraction tomography system for investigating the structure of a manufactured article

Possibilities of the first-order diffraction tomography in the case of using of millimeter electromagnetic waves for object sounding (quasioptical tomography) is studied. Experimental images obtained using antennas and waveguiding lines of different types and radiation frequency f approximately equals 33 divided by 38 GHz and f approximately equals 135 divided by 136.5 GHz are represented. Volumetric dielectric objects and plane-parallel ferrite (or dielectric) plates distributed in free space or in homogeneous dielectric medium have been taken as objects under investigation. It is shown that in the frequency band under consideration, the images of investigated objects with characteristic dimension A approximately equals 2(lambda) divided by 7(lambda) may be obtained by first-order diffraction tomography method (Born, Rytov or high frequency approximation of the first-order for scattered electromagnetic field).