Evaluating software architecture in a model-based approach for enterprise information system design

Enterprise information system architecture design is the process of defining and optimizing its structure (both software and hardware) to effectively support provided functionality. System architects are combining software and hardware vital components, usually defined by other stakeholders, and are dealing with both functional and non functional requirements. Alternative architecture solution evaluation is usually a part of the design process, aiming to determine if the defined requirements are satisfied. A model-based approach, constituted of discrete views, each of which facilitates a discrete design task, has been proposed, while Systems Modeling Language (SysML) has been adopted for the model representation. In this paper, emphasis is given on the Evaluation View, aiming at the exploration of alternative software and hardware combination scenarios proposed in other views. The view facilitates the management of simulation experiments and results and the verification of predefined requirements. A case study, where the proposed model-based design approach has been applied is also discussed.