On a collection of fishes from the Philippine Islands, made by Maj. Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon, U.S. Army, with descriptions of seven new species

In the months of January and Febriiary, 1907, two lots of iishes were received from Maj. Edgar A. Mearns, V. S. Ai-my, stationed in the Phihppine Islands. One hundred and thirty-two species are represented, including seven which are described as new. The collections are from Zamboanga, Mindanao, had been well preserved in formalin (here transferred to alcohol), and form part of Accessions Nos. 46983 and 46985, U.S.N.M. By reason of the new species and rare forms contained they are a very acceptable addition to the collection of fishes. The arrangement of the families of fishes used here is similar to that adopted by Doctor Jordan in recent papers on fishes of the same general fauna and, although not wholly concurred in, is used for convenience and with the view of conforming in classification with the numerous papers already published and being printed upon Philij)pine fishes.