Planning effective strategies to combat air pollution in amajor city such as London requires integration ofinformation on atmospheric concentrations and where theyexceed prescribed air quality standards, detailed data onemissions and potential measures to reduce them includingcosts, and a good understanding of the relativecontributions of different emission sources to pollutantconcentrations plus the remaining background. The UrbanScale Integrated Assessment Model (USIAM) is designed as atool to integrate such information, and to explore andassess a variety of potential strategies for improving airquality. It is based on the same principles as theAbatement Strategies Assessment Model (ASAM) that has beenused in the UN Economic Commission for Europe. To startwith the USIAM model is being developed with respect to theparticulate PM10 only, and in particular the primaryparticulate contribution. The secondary particulate istreated as part of the background superimposed on theprimary particulate concentrations; this may need to betreated more specifically at a later stage, particularlywith respect to nitrate formation over the city. The USIAMmodel therefore sets out to examine a selection of severeepisode conditions as well as long-term annual averageconcentrations, and aims to find strategies that aresuccessful in eliminating exceedance of the prescribedtarget concentrations. By ranking different options forabatement of emissions, for example in terms of cost orease of implementation, the USIAM model can also select andprioritise different potential strategies.
John R. Stedman,et al.
Receptor modelling of PM10 concentrations at a United Kingdom national network monitoring site in central London
Helen ApSimon,et al.
Uncertainties in integrated assessment modelling of abatement strategies: illustrations with the ASAM model
Derek M. Elsom,et al.
Smog Alert: Managing Urban Air Quality
M. Benarie.
The RAINS model of acidification: edited by J. Alcamo, R. Shaw and L. Hordijk, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands 1990, 402 pp. Price: Dfl. 200.00, US$ 117.50
Helen ApSimon,et al.
Transboundary air pollution in Europe
J. J. Wilson,et al.
The abatement strategies assessment model—ASAM: Applications to reductions of sulphur dioxide emissions across Europe
Roy M. Harrison,et al.
Studies of the source apportionment of airborne particulate matter in the United Kingdom
D. Elsom.
Development and Implementation of Strategic Frameworks for Air Quality Management in the UK and the European Community
Helen ApSimon,et al.
The role of secondary particulates in European emission abatement strategies