Processing hazardous materials: Risk information at the local level. Final report on Phase 1
The pilot study examines the role of Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs, set up under Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) in communicating about the risks from hazardous wastes in Superfund or RCRA sites as well as the risks from hazardous substances covered under the Community Right-to-know Law. This phase evaluated the usefulness of certain hazard analysis materials to the LEPCs. Eighty LEPCs in Virginia were surveyed about their activities and their perceptions of their responsibilities for communicating to their communities about Title III risks. The major conclusion for Phase I is that LEPCs were emphasizing the development of their local emergency plans. Communicating with the local citizenry was a secondary concern at that time. Phase II is examining how things have changed across 10 states.