Optimization of Traffic Signalization Timings to Reduce Queue Length and Vehicle Delays: A Case Study in Çukurova University

After each central exam organized by OSYM (Measuring, Selection and Placement Centre), traffic jam occurs since thousands of vehicles of candidates and instructors enter into a two lane way, which is the only road that combines the Cukurova University (CU) campus to city center, within a short period of time. In order to organize traffic flow and reduce queue lengths and vehicle delays occur in main roads, traffic signalization plays an important role. There are number of simulation tools used in order to understand traffic flow trend and minimize problems associated with vehicle concentration such as CMEM, VISSIM, SYNCHRO, TRANSYT-7F and VISGAOST. Among them VISSIM comes front which has the ability to simulate complex traffic flow and convert the field data into processable mathematical values. In this study, VISSIM program was used decide best signal timing in order to deal with traffic problem created by vehicle concentration after central exams.