Innovative Concepts for Collision Studies at GSI's and FAIR's Storage Rings

Two prototype systems of a new particle detector manipulator ([1], and Fig. 1) are currently being installed in the ESR’s first dipole magnets in the south and the north arc, i.e., behind the electron cooler and the gas-target, respectively. The manipulators are equipped with vacuum gate valves and vacuum pumps and can thus be separated completely from the main vacuum system of the storage ring. The present design is especially adapted for the installation of detectors at the last ports of the C-type dipole magnets. The set-up in the south arc behind the electron cooler features a detector pocket with an entrance window of 25 μm thickness and is primarily targeted at recombination studies with a stochastically cooled ion beam using the electron cooler solely as a target for free electrons (cf. e.g. [2]). In the north arc a special detector mount is installed that allows for the placement of a detector in-vacuum on the inside of the ring. As a consequence of the C-type magnet design, the detector has to be inserted from the outside of the ring prior to beam injection leaving sufficient space for the circulating initially uncooled primary beam. The main purpose of this set-up is to enable nuclear reac-