The soft shell-hardcore approach to nuclear power plant auxiliary structure design was developed to attenuate the crash effects of impacting aircraft. In using this approach, all controls and equipment necessary for the safe shutdown of the plant as well as equipment having potential for releasing unacceptable levels of radioactivity upon destruction are arranged in the central and lower portions of the structure, immediately surrounded by strengthened wall and roof systems. This bunkered area composes the hardcore portion of the design. Above and around the exterior of the hardcore are rooms containing controls and equipment not related to the safe shutdown of the plant. These areas form the soft shell and are considered expendable for the postulated aircraft impact. This report shell-hardcore design to successfully sustain the structural features involved that would allow the soft shell-hardcore design ato successfully sustain the postulated aircraft impact. The purpose of this initial investigation is to determine the feasibility of the two 0.5 m thick walls of the soft shell with the simplest possible mathematical model.