Electrical properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O/sub 3/ thin films on Ir and IrO/sub 2/ electrodes by MOCVD

The electrical properties of PZT thin films grown by MOCVD on Pt, Ir, IrO/sub 2/ and Ir/IrO/sub 2/ bottom electrodes, and the effects of various top electrode materials on the electrical properties of these PZT films, were investigated. Regardless of the top electrode materials, PZT films prepared on Ir, IrO/sub 2/ and Ir/IrO/sub 2/ showed a smaller dielectric constant and Pr, and showed larger Ec than those of PZT films on both Pt top and bottom electrode. Ir/IrO/sub 2//PZT/IrO/sub 2//Ir/SiO/sub 2//Si capacitors showed no fatigue up to a switching cycle of 10/sup 11/ and showed a leakage current density of 10/sup -7/ A/cm/sup 2/ at 3 V.