Improved AHB to APB bus bridge and control method

An improved configuration APB bus bridge comprises AHB bus interface and APB bus interface further includes an interface conversion timing and control module and a control module and a data FIFO FIFO module, and the interface timing conversion control module includes a state machine, a data FIFO control logic unit and FIFO control logic unit and a control register. APB bus bridge to an improved control method, comprising generating a ready signal APB bus bridge, the AHB bus master to prepare a high level signal is determined autonomously send a transmission request, and determines APB bus bridge receiving, if the effective transmission request, the transmission request and a data control signal corresponding to a FIFO memory sub-module, the APB bus bridge does not distinguish between read and write transfer, through the interface conversion timing and control module and a state machine state transition control, two complete bus timing reliable transmission operation quickly converted after matching. The present invention is applicable to both synchronous and asynchronous timing of AHB? to? APB bus transfer, and is compatible with the memory interface.