2008 United States National Seismic Hazard Maps
T he U.S. Geological Survey's National Seismic Hazard Maps are the basis for seismic design provisions of building codes, insurance rate structures, earthquake loss studies, retrofit priorities, and land-use planning. Incorporating these hazard maps into designs of buildings, bridges, highways, and critical infrastructure allows these structures to withstand earthquake shaking without collapse. Properly engineered designs not only save lives, but also reduce disruption to critical activities following a damaging event. By estimating the likely shaking for a given area, the maps also help engineers avoid costs from over-design for unlikely levels of ground motion. The U.S. Geological Survey recently updated the National Seismic Hazard Maps by incorporating new seismic, geologic, and geodetic information on earthquake rates and associated ground shaking. These 2008 maps supersede versions released in 1996 and 2002. Updating the maps involved interactions with hundreds of scientists and engineers at regional and topical workshops. USGS also solicited advice from working groups, expert panels, State geological surveys, Federal agencies, and hazard experts from industry and aca-demia. The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center developed new crustal ground-motion models; the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities revised the California earthquake rate model; the Western States Seismic Policy Council submitted recommendations for the Intermoun-tain West; and three expert panels were assembled to provide advice on best available science. The most significant changes to the 2008 maps fall into two categories, as follows: Changes to earthquake source and occurrence rate models: 1. In California, the source model was updated to account • for new scientific information on faults. For example, models for the southern San Andreas Fault System were modified to incorporate new geologic data. The source model was also modified to better match the historical rate of magnitude 6.5 to 7 earthquakes. The Cascadia Subduction Zone lying offshore of • northern California, Oregon, and Washington was mod-eled using a distribution of large earthquakes between magnitude 8 and 9. Additional weight was given to the possibility for a catastrophic magnitude 9 earthquake that ruptures, on average, every 500 years from northern California to Washington, compared to a model that allows for smaller ruptures. Colors on this map show the levels of horizontal shaking that have a 2-in-100 chance of being exceeded in a 50-year period. Shaking is expressed as a percentage of g (g is the acceleration of a falling object due to gravity).