Client 48-year-old make, height is 5’7” and is 135lbs, shoulder disarticulation patient. Employed as a heavy equipment operator until August 2000. Client sustained traumatic brain injury and subsequent loss of motor control on left upper extremity (flail arm), with effect on left lower extremity through quad weakness and drop foot. Client is posturally effected with incomplete hemiparisis and also exhibits minor speech impairment. The client stated that he had numerous falls that lead to multiple dislocations and chronic pain in left upper extremity. The client elected to amputate the left upper extremity in April 2004 to assist with pain management and postural consideration. The client expressed desires to regain some of his independence in his personal living. His expressed needs ranged from independent donning of his AFO, dressing, meal preparation, to some minor home improvement projects. His current daily arrangements included extensive assistance from his wife and family members for his activities of daily living (ADL).