A comparative volumetric analysis of the amygdaloid complex and basolateral division in the human and ape brain.

The amygdaloid complex functions to facilitate effective appraisal of the social environment and is an essential component of the neural systems subserving social behavior. Despite its critical role in mediating social interaction, the amygdaloid complex has not attracted the same attention as the isocortex in most evolutionary analyses. We performed a comparative analysis of the amygdaloid complex in the hominoids to address the lack of comparative information available for this structure in the hominoid brain. We demarcated the amygdaloid complex and the three nuclei constituting its basolateral division, the lateral, basal, and accessory basal nuclei, in 12 histological series representing all six hominoid species. The volumes obtained for these areas were subjected to allometric analyses to determine whether any species deviated from expected values based on the other hominoids. Differences between groups were addressed using nonparametric comparisons of means. The human lateral nucleus was larger than predicted for an ape of human brain size and occupied the majority of the basolateral division, whereas the basal nucleus was the largest of the basolateral nuclei in all ape species. In orangutans the amygdala and basolateral division were smaller than in the African apes. While the gorilla had a smaller than predicted lateral nucleus, its basal and accessory basal nuclei were larger than predicted. These differences may reflect volumetric changes occurring in interconnected cortical areas, specifically the temporal lobe and orbitofrontal cortex, which also subserve social behavior and cognition, suggesting that this system may be acted upon in hominoid and hominid evolution.

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