Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. The Authors. PART I: FOCUS ON LEARNING. Preparing Students. Setting a Framework for Knowledge. Planning Your Learning-Centered Syllabus: An Overview of the Process. Composing a Learning-Centered Syllabus. Using a Learning-Centered Syllabus. PART II: EXAMPLES. Checklist. Table of Contents. Instructor Information. Student Information Form. Letter to the Students or Teaching Philosophy Statement. Purpose of the Course. Course Description. Course Objectives. Readings. Resources. Course Calendar. Course Requirements. Policies and Expectations: Attendance, Late Papers, Missed Tests, Class Behaviors, and Civility. Policies and Expectations: Academic Honesty, Disability Access, and Safety. Evaluation. Grading Procedures. How to Succeed in This Course: Tools for Study and Learning. Checklist. PART III: SUGGESTED READINGS. General Teaching. Active Learning. Assessment and Evaluation. Cooperative and Collaborative Learning. Course and Curriculum Design. Critical Thinking. Information Technology. Learning and Motivation. Student Differences. Online Resources. Teaching Portfolios. References. Index.