Development of a compact, highly efficient, totally implantable motor-driven assist pump system.

We have developed a compact, highly efficient, totally implantable assist pump system, which consists of a motor-driven assist pump and a transcutaneous energy and optical information transmission system. The motor-driven assist pump consists of a.d.c. brushless motor and a specially designed miniature ball screw. A magnetic coupling mechanism between the blood pump and an actuator provides active blood filling via mild suction force. The controller consists of a PID follow-up controller using an 8-bit one-chip microcomputer. The volume of the pump is 350 ml, and its controller is 210 ml. Pump outflow of 5.8 L/min was obtained against a mean after-load of 100 mm Hg. The pump showed a high efficiency rate and good durability. An efficiency rate of 19-21% (pump output/motor input) was obtained during 87 days of continuous pumping. No mechanical trouble occurred for an accumulated period of 6 months.