Design optimization of reinforced concrete 3D structures considering frequency constraints via a charged system search

Abstract This paper presents an optimal design of three dimensional multi-story reinforced concrete structures using recently developed meta-heuristic algorithms, namely; the charged system search and the enhanced charged system search. The design is based on the ACI 318-05 code and loadings are based on ASCE7-05. Analysis of the structures is performed by the standard stiffness method. All members are subjected to biaxial moments and axial loads. Pre-determined sections are assumed for beams and columns, and the corresponding interaction curves are utilized to check whether the selected section for each member is acceptable. The objective function is taken as the weight of the structure, and constraints consist of the slenderness of compression members, the maximum allowable drift of the structure and the natural frequency of the structure. It should be mentioned that second order effects are also considered and that the end moments of the columns are magnified when needed. First, a 7-story frame with 3 spans is considered and optimized. Then, a sensitivity analysis is performed by optimal design of nine frames having 3 stories and 2 spans. In each story, different span lengths and loading conditions are assumed, and the results are compared.