Temporal Vision-Guided Energy Minimization

This paper presents anovel backlight drivinig technique for liquid crystal displays. Byscaling theintensity, frequency, and duty cycle ofthebacklight, this technique n7ot only increases the perceived brightness butalso prolontgs theservice timne of rechargeable batteries. Theincreased brightness comes froma perceptual effect oftemporal vision - a brief flash appears brighter than asteady light ofthesameintensity, called Briicke brightness enhancemnent effect. Theprolonzged service time comes fromtherelaxation phenomenon -alithium-ion battery lasts longer bypulsed discharge. Combining these twoeffects, a great amount ofservice time can7 beobtained atthecost of flickering. Weperformed visual experiments toparameterize the Bruicke effect and derived an optimization algorithm accordingly. Todemonstrate thepotential energy savings ofthis technique, weprofiled thepowerconsumption ofanApple iPod andfabricated anLEDdriving module. Basedonexperimental data, 75%ofenergy conisumlption canbesaved andtheservice time canbeextended to300%.