Publisher Summary If the valency d(v) of each vertex v of a graph G is at least 1/2n(G), where n(G) is the number of vertices of G and n(G) 2 , then G allows a hamiltonian circuit—that is, a circuit, which contains every vertex of G. This chapter focuses on the following refinement: If d(v) + d(w) ≥ n(G) > 2 for any two different, nonadjacent vertices v, w of G, then G contains a hamiltonian circuit. Circuits and paths in a graph G are considered as subgraphs of G. A circuit C in G is called maximal if there exists no circuit C' such that V(C') ⊃ V(C). A maximal circuit C with a direction of transversing and a component H of G – (C) are fixed.
V. Chvátal.
On Hamilton's ideals
B. Bollobás,et al.
Extremal Graphs without Large Forbidden Subgraphs
G. Dirac.
Some Theorems on Abstract Graphs
Paul Erdös,et al.
A class of Hamiltonian regular graphs
J. Graph Theory.
Vasek Chvátal,et al.
Tough graphs and hamiltonian circuits
Discret. Math..
O. Ore.
Arc coverings of graphs
Béla Bollobás,et al.
Hamiltonian Cycles in Regular Graphs