Psychoanalysis and Culture

This volume, devoted to culture and personality, socjo!ogy, epistemology, mythology, linguistics, art and literature, is dedicated to G~za R6heim on his sixtieth birthday, September 12, 1951. It is a very fine presentation of psychoanalysis in anthropology, in which field R6heim was the pioneer. Contributors include George Devereux, Karl A. Menninger, Clyde Kluckhohn, Marie Bonaparte, George B. Wilbur, Edmund Bergler and Geraldine Pederson-Krag, among other distinguished workers. This is a very fine tribute and a most worthwhile study of the world-encirclng human experience of which psychiatry is a specialty. This volume should be particularly rewarding to the armchair anthropologist and of interest to all other informed persons concerned with human personal and social problems.