Universals of word order reflect optimization of grammars for efficient communication

Significance Human languages share many grammatical properties. We show that some of these properties can be explained by the need for languages to offer efficient communication between humans given our cognitive constraints. Grammars of languages seem to find a balance between two communicative pressures: to be simple enough to allow the speaker to easily produce sentences, but complex enough to be unambiguous to the hearer, and this balance explains well-known word-order generalizations across our sample of 51 varied languages. Our results offer quantitative and computational evidence that language structure is dynamically shaped by communicative and cognitive pressures. The universal properties of human languages have been the subject of intense study across the language sciences. We report computational and corpus evidence for the hypothesis that a prominent subset of these universal properties—those related to word order—result from a process of optimization for efficient communication among humans, trading off the need to reduce complexity with the need to reduce ambiguity. We formalize these two pressures with information-theoretic and neural-network models of complexity and ambiguity and simulate grammars with optimized word-order parameters on large-scale data from 51 languages. Evolution of grammars toward efficiency results in word-order patterns that predict a large subset of the major word-order correlations across languages.

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