Two-dimensional configuration of the myoneural junctions of human masticatory muscle detected with matrix electrode.

Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) propagate bidirectionally from the myoneural junction along the muscle fibre. The propagation of excitation within single motor units can be detected during sustained isometric contraction using a surface electrode array. Electromyographic (EMG) signals from an adjacent pair of contacts along the muscle fibres show a very similar wave form with a time shift. In the present study, EMG signals of the masseter and the temporal muscles were obtained from two male adults during clenching in the intercuspal position using the multichannel surface electrode with 17 x 11 contacts. The two-dimensional location of the myoneural junction for each column from the source of the propagation was estimated. Each of the myoneural junctions was located in the lower portion of the masseter muscle and in the upper portion of the temporal muscle. However, the junction was distributed within 10 mm along the muscle fibres at different contraction levels in each muscle. This noninvasive technique of multiple surface electrodes enabled us to add to knowledge of the anatomical structure of the masticatory muscles examined.