이중천장의 삽입손실에 관한 연구

In this paper performance of the noise barrier which is 53 m long and 6m high, and is located between the high rise apartment and road, is studied by using experimental and analytic method. The insertion loss is measured by using the direct method in accordance with the ISO code, while theoretical prediction is based on Muradali and Fyfe's method (Applied Acoustics, Vol. 53, 49~75, 1998). In addition to the diffraction at the top of the barrier, the waves are reflected infinite times between the building and the barrier, which is equivalent to replacing the building by the infinite series of the image receiver points. In two-dimensional study, the prediction of the insertion loss results in significantly overestimated values compared with the measurement. However three-dimensional analysis shows reasonable agreements, where traffic noise is assumed as incoherent line source and the length of the source is larger than that of the barrier.