Extracting targeted data from the web

Tom M. Mitchell is author of the textbook "Machine Learning" (McGraw Hill, 1997), President of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence and a member of the National Research Council's Computer Science and Telecommunications Board. He is Vice President and Chief Scientist at WhizBang Labs and is currently on a two-year leave of absence from Carnegie Mellon University where he is the Fredkin Professor of Learning and AI in the School of Computer Science and founding Director of CMU's Center for Automated Learning and Discovery. Mitchell's research interests span many areas of Machine Learning theory and practice. His current work at WhizBang Labs involves developing machine learning methods for extracting information from text. For example, WhizBang has developed the world's largest database of job openings by training its software to automatically locate and extract detailed information from job postings on corporate web sites (see www.flipdog.com).