Acral persistent papular mucinosis: a case report

A case of acral persistent papular mucinosis (APPM)is reported. A 46-year-old woman presented with many cuticolor papules over bilateral hands and wrists for 4 years. No pruritus or tenderness was complained of. Histopathological examination revealed widely spaced collagen fibers and ill-defined lesions situated in the dermis, without fibroblastic proliferation. Alcian blue stain demonstrated mucin deposits in upper and mid dermis. A diagnosis of APPM was made. APPM is a subtype of localized cutaneous mucinosis.Other papular forms of mucinosis likely to be confused with APPM include a discrete papular form of lichen myxoedematosus, cutaneous focal mucinosis and a papular form of mucinosis with hypothyroidism. Key words: Papular mucinosis;  Case reports