Kinetics of the desorption of surfactants and proteins from adsorption layers at the solution/air interface.

It is shown by experiments that the DeSNa desorption kinetics is governed by a pure diffusion mechanism, while the desorption of more surface active surfactants such as C13DMPO and Triton X-100 obeys a mixed mechanism. The BLG desorption kinetics, as shown by experiments, is determined by a barrier mechanism. From the analysis of the temperature dependence of the BLG desorption kinetics it is possible to calculate the activation energy of this process, which is quite close to the free energy of BLG adsorption. The theoretical model of desorption kinetics predicts that these two energetic parameters are approximately equal to each other if the adsorption activation energy is low. This can explain the fact that the higher the adsorption activity of a substance is, the lower is its desorption rate.