AUTOREB: Automatically Understanding the Review-to-Behavior Fidelity in Android Applications

Along with the increasing popularity of mobile devices, there exist severe security and privacy concerns for mobile apps. On Google Play, user reviews provide a unique understanding of security/privacy issues of mobile apps from users' perspective, and in fact they are valuable feedbacks from users by considering users' expectations. To best assist the end users, in this paper, we automatically learn the security/privacy related behaviors inferred from analysis on user reviews, which we call review-to-behavior fidelity. We design the system AUTOREB that automatically assesses the review-to-behavior fidelity of mobile apps. AUTOREB employs the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to infer the relations between users' reviews and four categories of security-related behaviors. Moreover, it uses a crowdsourcing approach to automatically aggregate the security issues from review-level to app-level. To our knowledge, AUTOREB is the first work that explores the user review information and utilizes the review semantics to predict the risky behaviors at both review-level and app-level. We crawled a real-world dataset of 2,614,186 users, 12,783 apps and 13,129,783 reviews from Google play, and use it to comprehensively evaluate AUTOREB. The experiment result shows that our method can predict the mobile app behaviors at user-review level with accuracy as high as 94.05%, and also it can predict the security issues at app-level by aggregating the predictions at review-level. Our research offers an insight into understanding the mobile app security concerns from users' perspective, and helps bridge the gap between the security issues and users' perception.

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