Fundamentals of computation theory : 10th International Conference, FCT '95, Dresden, Germany, August 22-25, 1995 : proceedings
Discrete time process algebra with abstraction.- A duration calculus with infinite intervals.- A delegation-based object calculus with subtyping.- Model-checking for real-time systems.- On polynomial ideals, their complexity, and applications.- From a concurrent ?-calculus to the ?-calculus.- Rewriting regular inequalities.- A simple abstract semantics for equational theories.- Processes with multiple entries and exits.- Efficient rewriting in cograph trace monoids.- Effective category and measure in abstract complexity theory.- About planar cayley graphs.- On condorcet and median points of simple rectilinear polygons.- Fast algorithms for maintaining shortest paths in outerplanar and planar digraphs.- r-Domination problems on homogeneously orderable graphs.- Growing patterns in 1D cellular automata.- Petri nets, commutative context-free grammars, and basic parallel processes.- Implementation of a UU-algorithm for primitive recursive tree functions.- Dummy elimination: Making termination easier.- Computing Petri net languages by reductions.- Categorial graphs.- Effective systolic algorithms for gossiping in cycles and two-dimensional grids.- Restarting automata.- Optimal contiguous expression DAG evaluations.- Communication as unification in the Petri Box Calculus.- Distributed catenation and chomsky hierarchy.- The power of frequency computation.- Randomized incremental construction of simple abstract Voronoi diagrams in 3-space.- Properties of probabilistic pushdown automata.- Formal parametric equations.- PRAM's towards realistic parallelism: BRAM's.- Some results concerning two-dimensional turing machines and finite automata.- How hard is to compute the edit distance.- On the synchronization of semi-traces.- Tiling with bars and satisfaction of boolean formulas.- Axiomatizing Petri net concatenable processes.- Functional sorts in data type specifications.