How Many People Search the ERIC Database Each Day?

ABSTRACT This study estimated the number of people searching the ERIC database each day. The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national information system designed to provide ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature. Federal funds traditionally have paid for the development of the database, but not the dissemination of the information. This model has precluded collecting accurate information about use of the database. Data from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) and two of ERIC's clearinghouses, the Clearinghouse on Information Technology and the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation were used to make estimates of the number of users of the database as a whole. Referrals from these two clearinghouses accounted for 10.02t of the referrals to EDRS in September 2001. The estimate suggests that at least 86 million searches of the ERIC database will be conducted over the next year. This is more than seven million searches a month and more than 230,000 searches a day. This can be considered to be an average of more than 18 searches per year for each of the 4.7 million teachers, college of education professors, and college of education students in the United States. (SLD)